Cape Town Car Rental

In my personal opinion the best way to travel is by car. So when my friend, Greg, and I decided to go on a trip down to Cape Town we decided that car rental would be the first on our ”must-do” list. We opted for a small hatchback to zip around on our trip from Cape Town to Hermanus and back to the Cape winelands.
On the road We wanted to go to Hermanus for two reasons. First and foremost to go visit my old and dear friend Michelle, and secondly for the Whale festival. The drive from Cape Town to Hermanus is beautiful. Scenic views as you drive Sir Lowry’s mountain pass filled with flowers, then small farmhouses and the occasional shop where you can buy some of the fresh farm produce that you would never be able to get in the city. So we stopped at Aunt Millie’s Farm Stall. Known for her fresh home cooked pies we of course couldn’t resist stopping for a bite first. While sitting in the car savouring one of Aunt Millie’s notorious pies, we were surrounded by the most breath-taking view around us. Back on the road the excitement of seeing an old friend and the fact that I was on the open road again was exactly why I loved driving through the countryside. Being on the open road always gives me a sense of freedom which you don’t experience much when living in the city. There’s nothing rushing you to simply get from A to B, but taking your time to appreciate what most people just take for granted in their rush. Road tripping is not about the destination, but the journey.
A whale of a time When we eventually reached Hermanus we were greeted with what I despise most, traffic. Tourists like us coming to town for the Whale festival. Luckily it wasn’t too hectic, unlike rushour traffic in the big cities. After we had found parking we waited at the local pub for Michelle to come and join us. She soon joined us and we toasted to the good life. After catching up a bit we moved down to the beach front for some whale watching. Every year the whales migrate down to the Cape waters for their breeding season, giving us much entertainment as they do their bit of showing off.
Tags: Cape Town Airport Car Rental Turkey Car Rental Car Hire in Gran Canaria Vehicle Rental Holiday Car Hire Car Rental in South Africa Johannesburg Car Positano Motorcycle Rentals Used Cars Car Leasing New Car Prices Honda Car Automobile Rentals Car Detailing

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