PI closing clubs - reader mail

My article on miceage about PI closing basically argued that the nightclub concept and Disney's family audience may not have ever been a good mix - it just took a while to notice.

Some readers have written in great comments:

Reader 1:
While I agree whole-heartedly with everything you've written there... I think you've failed to point out what, I'm betting, will be the largest travesty to come from this.... Based on all of the "new additions" to the Downtown Disney area - in both restaurants and shops - all of the new real estate opened up with PI's closure will be up for grabs to the highest bidder. You're not going to see restaurants and shops designed by Disney - with a distinct Disney feel... You're going to see specialty shops hawking outside brands ( Hanes? Harley Davidson? ) and restaurants from chains that will offer little to no "theming experience" - but perhaps a lower price point to keep people from heading out to I-drive for the closest TGIFridays, Applebees, Olive Garden, etc....

Reader 2:
A quick idea for the Adventurers Club. It seems a perfect fit for DAK, and would allow the park to stay open later, to be more of an "all-day" attraction, and at very low cost. A more family friendly show could be offered during the day, with the version we are more accustomed to in the later shows.

(Kevin's note: Joe Rohde is the guy who made both DAK and AC, so maybe this could happen)

Reader 3:
I would venture tio say that where Disney failed with PI has more to do with the transient, authentic nature of the night club scene itself. Disney tried to mimic an organic thing: nightclubs taking over a slice of cracktown, by building their own 'refurbished cracktown!' The problem here, is that clubbing and drinking in these districts is made more exciting, more dangerous and glamourous...with a little seedy danger. Disney tries to tame the danger...and it just doesn't work where night clubs are concerned. In addition, Disney never really 'grew' PI as the club/adult industry grew and morphed and changed. South Beach, an also-ran when PI opened, has redfined it's club and nightlife venues many times over, as has NYC, Vegas and the rest. PI basically remained the same, even as the industry changed.

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