Thirty Straight Years Visiting Stresa!

One more little thing that I want to share tonight because I think these guys are even bigger fans of Stresa than I am!

I had to share this sweet story about Helga and Christoph Filke, from Germany, who have visited Stresa for thirty straight years beginning in 1979, staying always in the Hotel Primavera, always in the same room, #433. That first trip was during a bus tour from Rome, but each summer since they have returned on their own for two weeks. In the photo, the Filkes are in the center, with Canio Di Milia, the mayor of Stresa, on the left. On the right of the photo is Alberto Ferraris, owner of the Primavera Hotel. The Filkes proudly display the gifts the mayor has given to them -- a plaque, and the recently published book, Stresa, L'incanto. As proof that the Filkes were enchanted with Stresa right from the start Christoph Filke showed the reservation letter he received in 1979, and that he has saved all these years, for a double room at the Hotel Primavera, for which at that time he paid 10,000 lire.

How many times will YOU visit Stresa?

This information was taken from a story written by Sindaco Di Milia for his blog, Stresa, il mio blog.

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