Old news: the upcoming Disney resort in Hawaii

Since I've been out of the country, and then out of state, and then busy with books, I haven't had time to comment on current events (the DCA facelift being made public, for instance), so I may have to do some posts that will come across as quite late.

This is one of them. Disney announced an upcoming hotel in Hawaii that has very little Disney footprint to it, certainly not rides. So on the surface, this isn't a Location-Based Entertainment concept, like I'd talked about at MiceAge. Maybe something more like Hilton Head?

Just what is Disney doing, putting its hotels everywhere? If there isn't a tie-in to a park-like atmosphere, or an LBE concept, is this really what Disney stands for? in some ways, it's a stealth makeover of the company's public face, and perhaps warrants more attention than the fans are giving it.

After all, if the brand becomes diluted, that just gives the parks permission to become diluted too, does it not?

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