CT Freedom Riders storm Disney

My sister and her family came from Connecticut and enjoyed a few days at Disney this past week. They were particularly impressed with the renovated ride inside the EPCOT ball. It also had really neat features at the end of the ride. I must go over to see it. Otherwise, Magic Kingdom was too crowded given the entire Northeast seemed to have emptied into Disney's smallest park. However, they were able to enjoy The Laugh Floor attraction before finally fleeing the crowds at 3 pm and running to their motel. They had compliments about the Extended Stay motel on Palm Parkway, minutes from Disney. They payed approximately $180 for four nights tax and fees included with a nice Continental breakfast included, a large pool and spa, kitchenette that included a dishwasher and a large refrigerator. Do not ask how my brother in law, a gourmet cook in his spare time, burned the frying pan cooking pancakes!! Not a pretty sight.



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