CarShareHFX announces partnership with carsharing leader Communau

CarShareHFX and Communauto, the oldest carsharing service in North America and the largest in Canada, announced today their intention to build a sustainable partnership that will provide an “irresistible” carsharing offer to Halifax in the coming months.

Pam Cooley, president of CarShareHFX and Benoît Robert, CEO of Communauto and founder of the carsharing industry in North America, made the announcement as part of CarShareHFX’s second anniversary celebration at the Waterfront Development Corporation. Many key players in the development of Halifax were in attendance.

“In less than two years our success has made a difference in Halifax and we thank those who believed in us. Communauto is an inspiration to us, they brought carsharing to North America! We could not have better partners to expand this mobility option to more Haligonians” said Pam Cooley. “People have other things to spend their money on, like paying down their mortgages or education for their children. We hope that families will take a look and see how we can meet their mobility needs.”

CarShareHFX will celebrate its 2nd birthday with members and their partners at the HUB Friday at 5:30pm. Communauto will be there, along with other supporters like Colin MacLean from the Waterfront Development Corporation and Clean Nova Scotia, with their respective announcements as well.

According to Mr. Robert, supporting other organisations in developing a transit-oriented offer for carsharing is a part of Communauto’s mission. “Cities need new sustainable transportation solutions that go beyond the traditional opposition between public transit and the automobile. Carsharing is one of these solutions and, based on our experiences with similarly-sized cities such as Quebec City, the potential growth of this service in Halifax is more than 20 times the current membership”.

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