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New ferrari sports car

Ferrari F430 Spider can be addictive new car for you. Like many super exotic sports cars, it is a work of art and high-performance sports car. This is a classic of the Italian automaker is stable. Ferrari F430 Spider is one of the most beautiful convertibles and get turning heads.

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Ferrari F430 Spider compact sports car performance is presented and vitality. Once you settle on the driver's seat and driving position is sports. Press "Start" button on the steering and the engine roars to life, the driving experience this car is of interest, with the top down, the sound engine gives you every goosebumps.


Ferrari F430 Spider is the internal layout is designed for drivers, body hugging low to high back seats set, giving you the 'cockpit feel. This warm and soft and fits like a fine Italian leather shoes. Made carefully Formula 1 car racing seats and panels inside the hot car to create a real sports car feel.

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Many sports do many things well this car will interest you. Ferrari F430 Spider is the best treatment, engine performance exciting and comfortable ride. Important role in performance. The six-speed gearbox and differential and electronic traction fundamental performance of the road, 4308 531 V8 HP cc.


Prices Spider F430 F1, the ultimate cool car, starting at $ 136.325. A set of 5 wheels GFG Klessens you can switch the engine and turbo kits for Honda to spare buy.Ferrari F430 Spider drive you to experience the joy of a couple only give 1000 per year for sale in the United States built three years on a waiting list for them there. The favorite car is one of the most popular high-end sports cars, everything.

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