The Pirates League

Calling all scoundrels, rogues and ne'er-do-wells - Captain Jack and the crew of the Black Pearl want you.

The Pearl drops anchor in Adventureland at Magic Kingdom® for The Pirates League, recruiting and training Walt Disney World® Resort guests of all ages in the scurrilous ways of buccaneers.
Each guest checking in at the plunder-filled pirate's lair gets an official pirate name. Then it's off to Muster Station for applications of beards and eye patches, scarves and scars, earrings and gold teeth - all done with the savvy skill of a veteran pirate who shares his own tales of sea-sailing adventures.

After the new buccaneers recite a sacred pirate oath, they are officially part of Captain Jack's motley crew, leaving their old identities behind. Past a hidden portal and into the treasure room, the shipmates have their "pirate portrait" taken before being turned loose on an unsuspecting Adventureland - and no doubt feeling right at home at the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction.
Guests can choose from three daily pirate packages:

First Mate Package: Includes bandana; choice of facial effects; scars; tattoos; fake teeth; earring and eye patch; sword and sheath; pirate coin necklace; one 5x7-inch photo; and personalized pirate oath.$49.95 USD plus tax

Empress Package: Includes bandana; shimmering makeup; face gem; tattoos; nail polish; earring and eye patch; sword and sheath; pirate coin necklace; one 5x7-inch photo; and personalized pirate oath.$49.95 USD plus tax

Captains Package: Includes choice of costume/outfit from selection; choice of facial effects; scars; tattoos; fake teeth; earring and eye patch; sword and sheath; pirate coin necklace; three 5x7-inch photos; and personalized pirate oath.$124.95 USD plus tax

Newly-donned swashbucklers can test their pirate prowess on the streets of Adventureland where they search for clues and discover treasures. And for mateys who need a little more training, learn the secrets for survival by the captain himself during "Captain Jack Sparrow's Pirate Tutorial."

Boys, girls and grownups ready for the pirate life can start the process by calling 407-WDW-CREW.

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