Christmas holidays and the birthday blues

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As if there isn't enough to do at this time of year with the decorations, office parties and Christmas present panic. What you could do without is one of your nearest and dearest having their birthday on Christmas Day or New Year's Eve. Darned inconsiderate we call it. But spare a thought for these poor souls. It can't be easy competing with a certain famous baby when it comes to celebrating your birthday, so to help make their Christmas holidays birthday feel every bit as special as summer celebrations here's a quick guide to keep you in their good books.

The perfect present
When it comes to what to buy, there really are no set rules. Jewellery, experience days, clothes and makeup are always big winners. That said, Ferrero Rocher, marmalade selections, shortbread tins and liqueur box-sets should be avoided at all costs due to their Christmas connotations.

Wrap it up
Whatever gifts you buy do not, we repeat do not, wrap their present in Christmas paper. Sure it's just the wrapping and it doesn't really matter to you, but it will make a big difference to how well your present is received. Likewise with cards, any references to holiday weather, reindeers or Father Christmas will fall flat. It's by paying attention to the little details that you will show that their special day is being observed, and isn't just a Christmas afterthought - like the bottle of Baileys you buy 'just in case.'

New Year's Eve, or worse still New Year's Day, is a rotten day to celebrate your birthday. People are either booked up with parties or recovering from the aftermath of one. Why not get in there early and plan a brilliant birthday-bash on the 31st for your special someone? Shun all the New Year traditions, banish the Christmas decorations, veto turkey leftovers and make it all about the birthday. Your guests will no doubt thank you for the respite from the festive holidays and your birthday boy or girl will feel like the centre of attention.

Accept the inevitable
However hard you try, there's little escape from the fact that most people's minds will be focussed on Christmas festivities at this time of year. So instead of embarking on a battle that you will probably lose, why not accept defeat and book a couple of late holiday deals? When the rest of the clan will be bloated on mince pies and the January blues, you and your partner will be bronzing on the beach. A definite one-nil Christmas/birthday.

Mary Sanderson works in the travel industry and enjoys finding late holiday deals to her favourite destinations. For more deals on holidays, check out the range of deals offered by My Travel.

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