Stresa Festival Fall Schedule Begins

Really great news from my friends at Stresa Festival!

The Concerto d'Apertura, the opening performance of the 2009 Festival, Incontri e Dialoghi, Meetings and Dialogues, was a grand success, and will always have the distinction of being the first-ever sold-out concert at the Palazzo dei Congressi. And so, organizers eagerly await the 14 performances scheduled between now and September 5. Friday's concert at the Palazzo featured Janine Jansen on violino, the Radio Symphony Orchestra of Frankfurt, with Paavo Jarvi directing. I'm thrilled at the growing awareness and appreciation of these preformances. If you will be in Stresa during one of them, and you are even the tiniest bit a fan of classical music, please don't miss these truly unique opportunites to hear some of the world's most celebrated musicians playing in some of the lake's most beautiful venues. Here is a link to the full schedule of 2009 Stresa Festival performances.

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