August In Stresa -- The Weather

Many of you have been writing and asking me about the weather. I can't lie... the weather isn't perfect and sunny everyday here. But I will say that during this August, for the most part, Stresa has experienced very lovely weather. The first three weeks of the month have brought only a very few days with rain, and even then the rain comes often at night. The days have been sunny and with low humidity, temperatures in the mid-80s F (about 27 to 29 C.) In the evenings it's been cooler (about 60 F, 16 C.); I see many with light jackets at night. So is it perfect? Not always, but it's close! And on the few days when it's not, just do like these guys above that I spotted on Via Roma... prendi l'ombrello, grab your umbrella, and get out there anyway!

You can always check the current temperature, as well as a 15-day forecast, here on Stresa Sights at the top of the left column.

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