
Orlando Fun Tickets, possibly the only 'real' ticket discounter for WDW that isn't trying to sell you time shares, has a paragraph with a sample itinerary that made me cringe:

Day 1 - Magic Kingdom ® Park: Plummet 5 free-falling stories into Brer Rabbit’s Laughin’ Place on Splash Mountain ® in Frontierland ®. Set sail on an unusual journey on exotic rivers on the Jungle Cruise ® in Adventureland ®. Face 999 gloomy, grinning ghosts for a spooky tour through The Haunted Mansion ® in Liberty Square. On special nights, relax while taking in the “SpectroMagic” Parade ® as your favorite Disney characters light up the night. Customers of Orlando Fun Tickets rave about their experiences at the Magic Kingdom ® Park.

look at all those copyright icons interfering with the sentence! Somebody needs to stop Disney from this inanity and insanity. It makes me want to join law school, not visit their bloody theme park.

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