WaterSong Resort Homes by Park Square Homes

The Main Clubhouse Is Now Open!!Park Square Resort Homes Sales Office Is Inside
Located just 15 minutes from the Walt Disney World® resort, WaterSong offers your clients all of the amenities you have come to know from Park Square Resort Homes, including our BRAND NEW +6,700 sq. ft. resort clubhouse. This luxurious facility is located in the center of the community, and is complete with concierge service, cyber café, weight room, sundries shopping, conference facility, luggage storage and of course, the resort pool and spa. Attended entry gates, complete lawn service, TV cable and broadband high speed internet services are also included amenities at WaterSong, as is our superior customer service, construction and floor plan design. VIRTUALLY ALL OF OUR 150’ HOME SITES OFFER A CONSERVATION VIEW, making WaterSong your client’s best destination for luxury, privacy and serenity.

From I-4 take exit 58 (ChampionsGate) and drive east 3.5 miles on CR 532 (Osceola – Polk County Line Rd) to the end. Turn right onto US 17-92 and drive 3.5 miles south and WaterSong will be on your left. Once you enter WaterSong, continue on the main road to the Clubhouse.

Builder's commission to realtors is 12%
Builder’s incentive to buyer is 4%
Park Square Resort Homes
Sales Office Is Inside
Orlando Real Estate

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