Car Rental Driver Policy

My friend and I want to rent a car. We live in New Jersey and are both 20 years old. We can't find a car rental company that will rent to us. My question is... would it be ok for my Dad to rent the car and my friend would be the driver. IF by any chance anything happens like an accident/ breakdown, etc, who is at fault? Would it be my father or my friend that is driving? Thanks for your help!

If your father rents the car, he will be asked if there will be any additional drivers on the vehicle. All additional drivers must be at least 25 years old and complete and sign an additional driver form.

If your friend drives the car and there is an accident or breakdown, and the police are called (or the road service from the car rental company) you would have to show the rental contract. Where neither one of you would be listed on the contract, the police can impound the car; because you would not be listed as an authorized driver by the rental car company. Your dad (as the renter) would be fully responsible for everything regarding the vehicle (damage, impound fees, etc). His insurance would be invalidated because he would have violated the terms of his rental agreement by allowing an underage, unauthorized driver to drive his rental car.

The only way to avoid this is if you or your friend are able to rent the car yourselves in New York, where the minimum age is lower. (There will be an extra underage fee, but at least you will not be putting your dad in a potentially bad situation.)

Hope this answers your question.

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