Cheap Car Rental in Hawaii

My family lives in Hawaii and I am going to visit for a few weeks. I'm looking to rent a car and was wondering how can I find a cheap car to rent for 2 weeks?

The most important thing to do is book in advance and do a lot of comparison shopping. When searching for internet car rental specials, you can also try to check car rental rates using a discount code. There are hundreds of membership programs and professional associations that offer car rental discount codes to their members. You can find a list of car rental discount codes for 8 major car rental companies, at the following link: Car Rental Discount Codes

You can also check to see if your sister can get a cheaper local rate (sometimes car rental companies offer great deals to local renters) and sign you on as an additional driver. Make sure to check if the extra charge for the additional driver would cancel out the local savings.

Also, make sure to check the difference in rates from renting at an airport location, vs off-airport. You can often get much cheaper rates if you rent away from the airports.

Good luck, and hope this helps!

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