Gratitude Friday, But On Saturday

Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.
- Jim Rohn

Tick tock, tick tock... Time... This week I'm enormously grateful for time, and ironically so, because time is something I have had almost nothing of for the past ten days. During that time, I've given all my time to another, taking care of my father, who is recovering after a major surgery. And so, while I've had no time for my own pursuits, I'm grateful today that I've had all this time to give. And yes, I know I didn't get around to Gratitude Friday until Saturday, but, like so many things, meglio tardi che mai, better late than never...

This is also my way of apologizing for my lack of posts in these days. Until I do have the time again, please take a look at my friend girasoli's posts about her trip to Stresa on her blog Shave Ice and Gelato. Her photographs and observations are wonderful. And take a look at the other posts about gratitude with the links on Diana's blog, Creative Structures.

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