One Way Car Rental vs Two Way Car Rental

Is it possible to rent a car, drive it to another city and drop it at the car rental place, and then pick it up 3 weeks later to return to the original city, and call it a two way rental?

This would not be possible, as the car rental company would basically not allow you to park the car in their parking lot for 3 weeks, while still on an open contract, and even IF they did, you would have to pay for the rental costs for the three weeks that the car was sitting on the lot. (the company will not allow a vehicle to sit on their lot, unrented, for 3 weeks - and they wouldn't be able to rent it out to anyone else while you had the open contract.

You would have to park the vehicle somewhere else (ie long term parking at the nearest airport, is probably your only option) and you would have to pay for the three weeks of parking, as well as the extra 3 weeks rental from the car rental company. Even if you did this, it's likely that being charged for a 3 week + rental and the price of parking the car, may cost even more than two one way rentals.

I hope this helps

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