Need Francobolli? The Italian Post Office

My blogging friend Diana, who owns the beautiful Baur B&B in Acqui Termi, Piemonte, has written a hilarious retelling of her encounter in her local Italian post office on a busy afternoon preceding an expected snowstorm. The link to it is below.

It made me think, however, that there are many reasons why you may venture into a post office while here in Italy. Postcards and letters of course, but these days, with airline regulations becoming more and more strict, it may be easier to ship certain items rather than to try to bring them back with you. So use my friend’s story as a little warning that the post office system doesn’t work quite the same way here in Italy as you may be accustomed to, but don’t be discouraged to attempt sending home that case of wine, or that large ceramic vase you desire. I haven’t had quite such an exasperating experience ever at the Stresa Post Office as Diana’s, but bear in mind, if you do need to go there, that it is also a bank, and that sometimes things can seem a bit unorganized. As far as mailing specific items, the Web site of the PosteItaliane may prove helpful to explain what you can ship, and how, and any restrictions that may apply. Just need stamps? Francobolli, stamps, cost 60 euro cents each. International mailings will vary based on destination, size, and weight. To mail a postcard to Europe outside of Italy costs 65 euro cents, and 85 euro cents elsewhere. You can ask for them by saying English numbers, three francobolli, for example. I’ve discovered that holding up the right number of fingers also works well.

The Stresa Post Office is located at Via Anna Maria Bolongaro, 39.

English version of the official Web site:

Link to Diana’s story: Warning... The Post Office May Be Hazardous To Your Health

Link to Baur B&B:

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