Using a Car Rental Discount Code

My boyfriend found a great deal for a rental car next week, but it involves using a discount code that says he's an employee of a large company. He found the code on the internet. My question is, will he be asked for proof of employment at the large company when he's at the counter to rent the car?

Some car rental companies will ask for proof of employment. While you may be lucky and not be asked, you should look at either using another discount option, or at least have a back up plan, if they ask for proof of employment and you say "darn, I forget my employee card!".

I would suggest that you find a discount code that you actually qualify for to use instead, or as back up. There are hundreds of membership programs and professional associations that offer car rental discount codes to their members. You can find a list of car rental discount codes for 8 major car rental companies, at Car Rental Discount Codes (Remember... If asked, you would still have to show proof of membership for the membership program or professional association).

Good luck and hope this helps!

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