Food: Toma Cheese Risotto

I think I need to add a label on the blog for risotto. Searching the blog today, I see that I've mentioned risotto milanese, risotto con prosecco, risotto con gamberi e arancia, risotto ai funghi porcini mushrooms, risotto al mirtillo nero, and how to prepare risotto with the rind of parmigiano. No surprise really I suppose, since risotto is one of my favorite dishes to order here. The never-ending variety of additions keeps this always fresh and surprising to me. Here's one more allora, a nice, simple everyday version of risotto made with the region's well-known Toma cheese:

Start with a saucepan of your vegetable stock, brought to a boil and then reduced to a simmer. In another saucepan you have already slightly browned some chopped onion in a bit of olive oil and butter. Add the rice (I generally use carnaroli for risotto), and allow it to 'open' by heating it for a couple of minutes, until the rice sfrigola, sizzles, before adding the first scoops of brodo, broth. How much rice? A handful for me, a handful for you, and a handful for the pot.

Next, drink a glass of prosecco, and eat a couple of grissini, the thin, crisp breadsticks, and some salami. It's part of the instructions. Really.

From when you add the first scoops of broth to the carnaroli rice, set a timer for 15 minutes. Keep the liquid at a low simmer. Each time the liquid is almost, but not all, absorbed, add another scoop. After 15 minutes the risotto should be creamy; if not add a bit more liquid and stir it in. If the consistency is right at this point, remove the risotto from the heat. 

Removed from the heat, add in small cubes of Toma cheese and stir until they have melted and are evenly mixed throughout the risotto. 

Stir in a bit of finely grated Parmigiano cheese too. I used what seems to be a staple in Italian kitchens for cooking purposes, the Parmissimo brand of grated Parmigiano Reggiano. The name Parmissimo is, possibly, one of my most favorite things to say in Italian.

And that's it. Couldn't be easier. Then sprinkle a bit more Parmissimo on top of your served risotto, pour another glass of Prosecco, and buon appetite!

Adding the risotto tag will definitely inspire me to try even more types of risotto. Have you had a particularly memorable one?

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