Capturing the memories of your luxury safari

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Memories are so much more real and believable; this is especially the case when you go on a luxury safari holiday when your experiences are captured in pictures, a great idea therefore for a Christmas gift would be a photography class for beginners so that you can capture the perfect pictures whilst you're on your luxury safari. Photography lessons can be the ideal gift for someone who wants to learn how to operate their own camera or a new camera in the unique environment which is the African bush. The photography lessons take place whilst you're at your camp site, the qualified field rangers will assist you with capturing the perfect pictures, offering you great tips and tricks to get the most out of your camera in your surroundings.

No matter what type of camera you have a digital camera SLR, a professional point and shoot camera, chances are that you may well have the same settings and features on your cameras. The majority of people tend to not alter their camera settings, this is either because they don't know how to or don't see there being a great difference in the quality of the picture. Any budding photographer will tell you that understanding these settings and how they work is one of the fundamentals of photography. With today's modern cameras everyone has and uses the generic 'auto' setting, but with more knowledge and understanding of your camera you will easily be able to take you photographs on to the next level. Don't get me wrong the 'auto' function is a great simple tool for simple snapshots; however it must be noted that actual photography requires much, much more.

When luxury safari guests go on a safari to any safari destination, one of the expert field rangers will go through the principles of taking incredible photographs on safari. This can include simple recommendations for your camera settings during the morning, afternoon and evening on safari, the positioning of the subject in the African bush, capturing moving scenes and wildlife including general advice on how to select the best of the images on returning to your luxury lodge. You will find that you'll want to photograph everything, if you've not brought enough film or memory then an edit of the pictures you've taken is essential if you wish to take any more pictures of your experiences.

Below are some basic tips to help prepare you for your luxury safari holiday to help you take the perfect snaps and to save your incredible memories and experiences.
Try not to be too focused on taking pictures, a safari holiday is an incredible experience and should be savoured and experienced to its fullest.

Take a storage device with you so that you can instantly transfer them onto the device which will enable you to take more pictures, and will mean you won't have to invest in more memory cards or film.

Don't assume that everyone wants to be photographed, most tribesmen don't like to have their photos taken, it is therefore important to be courteous and polite, asking them if they would mind you taking their picture.

Long lenses so that you can get incredible detail and spot animals further away, some instances you will wish your camera had a better zoom, to avoid this invest in a 400mm lens which will enable you to shoot wildlife at a distance.

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