Tri Hita Karana: Find the Solemnity in Bali

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While there could be several reasons for a person deciding to go on holiday, most look at it as a break for their daily lives and all the stress that comes with it. While they would also like to enjoy and experience different activities, at the end of the day, the aim of people like you is to find some tranquillity and a sense of calm. There's no better place to visit for pleasant respite from urban bustle and other disturbances, than the tropical Indonesian island of Bali.

The most important factor contributing towards a person's sense of calm would be your surrounding environment. Finding a villa nestled between the lush greenery with landscaped gardens providing a serene view of the sea and the sound of the gentle waves and sandy beaches, would provide you with the most soothing experience ever as such an abode would be an oasis of peace and tranquillity.

Another contributing factor that you would also find in Bali is the weather. Being an island that is just a few kilometres south of the equator, the weather in Bali switches between the wet season where it rains for 6 months of the year starting in September, and the dry season for the next 6 months. The dry season is when the temperatures aren't too high but nice and warm enough to spend the day outdoors at your leisure. You do not have to worry about snow or it being too hot. This too will therefore provide you with a sense of calm.

While these are the factors that one would generally consider, the people of Bali, due to their spiritual beliefs and culture, believe strongly in 'Tri Hita Karana'.

The Balinese culture is greatly influenced by the Hindu culture and has therefore borrowed several concepts from the religion. 'Tri Hita Karana' is one such concept and could be translated to mean 'The Concept of Life'. These are supposed to be the three main elements that can bring about peace and a sense of calm in order to maintain a balance in life. This concept takes into consideration not only some of the aforementioned factors but also anything else that would help with the balance.

Those three elements are 'parhyangan' which basically defines the relationship that humans have with God, 'pawongan' which is the relationship between one human being and another and lastly, 'palemahan' which is the relationship between a human and his/her surroundings. The balance has to be maintained between all these elements if tranquility is to be attained.

These three elements are expressed in every form of art in the country and also when planning to construct buildings. Buildings are constructed with the concept in mind and this is why all hotels in Bali would also provide you with that sense of calm unlike hotels or villas in any other part of the world.

Remember that it is best to choose lodging that would fit into this realm as you would want to maintain the right balance throughout your holiday. While all buildings try to maintain this balance, you would also need to consider the other factors mentioned previously so that you would not be distracted and therefore disrupt this balance you seek to achieve while on your holiday.

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