Sunshine Baby Sitting

Sunshine has a statewide sitting service with a comprehensive register of sitters that offer guests access to a fully checked babysitter at ANY TIME OF YEAR within as little as 2 hours notice. Call Cheryl at 888-609-8979.

You can check on your child while you're away by calling the sitter who is required to carry a cellular phone.

All of our babysitters are fully insured and undergo several important checks which include:

A Police background check.
A health questionnaire.
Request References for file.

Sunshine ensures that important peace of mind in the knowledge that your children are looked after by trained babysitters, who have around the clock back up as and when the need arises. We understand the need to have someone you can trust to look after your children.

We can provide babysitters for infants, toddlers all the way up to the younger teenagers.

Call Cheryl at the following local numbers: (24 hrs)

North Florida (904) 206-1200
Daytona and New Smyrna Beach (386) 566-3266
Central Florida (321) 228-5849
Tampa, Clear Water St Petersburg (813) 200-4112
South Florida including the Keys (305) 522-6050

Visit for more information.

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