Gray Morning Walk...

Well, my mind and body have switched into vacation mode. I think long, researched posts may have to wait a bit. I have the time, but not the inclination. Nel frattempo, in the meantime, a few photos from my walk this morning, a grayer morning, sinister of rain, but also beautiful.

I headed west this morning, and due to a small injury l'altro ieri, the other day, I walked, no running. I went in the direction of the Zoo, where there also is the villa that it has been rumored George Clooney was looking at. The red brick path ends, unfortunately, about there, at the Stresa city limit. If I could keep walking, however, I'd soon arrive at the villa that Silvio Berlusconi did purchase, and where he visits often. Then I doubled back the other way... along the Lungolago come sempre, like always. If I had any say in the matter here, I'd continue the lungolago through the next towns, connecting all to each other this way, so that it were possible to run, walk, or ride between them.

I never use an iPod when I walk, never have, never will. It's always been my time to think and be lost in my own little zone. I never get bored, even with the same route, because it's never really the same, is it? Maybe that's why this morning I was thinking about the Greek philosopher Hericlitus, who some 2600 years ago said, "You can't jump into the same river twice..." Look here at the Lungolago post from two days ago and you'll see what I mean.

The rain never came, just as I finished my walk, the sun began to break through the clouds and dry up the mist. Perfect... sunshine prevailed for the remainder of the morning, when I headed over to the Friday Stresa mercato... Photos on that later...

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